Saturday, December 01, 2007

.dangdut oi!.

stop! engkau mencuri hatiku,hatiku..
stop! engkau mencuri hatiku...

dangdut oi!

ok,so i skipped socpsyh tutorial and screwed up my assessed speech.'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'.gawd.getting that kind of topic for an assessed impromptu speech?who wouldnt screw up?

its been a pretty bad two weeks for me.doing last minute assignments(it doesnt do me well actually), friendship issues(thank god its over,i hope),werking and not seeing him fer two weeks.

yes.why am i making a big deal over not seeing him fer two weeks?because.his exams are over.and there's not supposed to be anything major coming between us.not supposed to.but there hurts to be missing him.and its hurts more when i cun cry it out.sakit ok.sakit sekali.

this wun end anytime soon,it doesnt make any difference.

that aside.i have a couple of deadlines to meet.and a few events squeezed in along the way.lets see...

. ITC test(tue)
. COM issues in-class essay(wed)
. WRITCOM assessed essay(next week)
. khatulistiwa script(fri)

. KL trip- wedding invitation( sat)
. hari raya haji- balik kmpg(18-21dec?)
. class bbq(19 dec)
. piala khatulistiwa( 22 dec)
. his kuantan trip( 22-24 dec)

ok.i have nothing to say.this doesnt include werking and khatu rehearsals yet.ok.i duno.i just duno.i just want to get thru and be done with all of these soon. tired of tired of attending to people's tired.i just want time on my own.


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