Monday, October 08, 2007

.just because.

read feeqah's blog.saw this quiz/survey she me into wanting to do it.interesting,i must say.not like those 'what were you doing a min ago' or 'does no.7 like no. 2' or even 'coke or pepsi' surveys/quizzes.yes,i have a lot of other things im supposed to be writing bout.but.for once,i want to sit back and think bout what will happen if any of the qns im going to answer below come true.

1. What is more difficult: looking into someones eyes when telling how you feel, or looking into someones eyes when they tell you how they feel??
looking into someone's eyes when telling how i feel.

2. Think of the last time you were annoyed. Why were you annoyed?
feeqah was supposed to call us when her bus reached our stop so that we can take that bus.but,she didnt.(haha.ok,aku tk mrh agi ok.)

3. You will die in three minutes. Last call?
please forgive all my mistakes i've done people!

4. If you could do anything OR wish anything, what would it be?
my family to be like last time.

5. You can have one of the following two things: trust or love?
trust.with trust,everything else can happen.

6. You are walking to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss told you if you are late one more time you’re fired. Do you save the dog or not?
i can't touch a dog nor can i swim.i'll ask the help of a passerby or maybe even call the spca or the police or whoever can save the dog.

7. Would you or have you ever blackmailed someone?

8. Think of the last person who you know who died. You have the chance to give them 1 hour of life back, but you have to give one year of your life. Do you do it?
1hr is nt even enuf for them.what's the use of giving it to them?ajal maut di tangan tuhan.

9. Are you the kind of friend that you would want to have as a friend?
the good traits, flaws,not.

10. Does sex=love?
if you mean sex as in love-making,then yes.if u mean it as a one night stand/lust,no.

11. Are you old fashioned?
i don't know.

12. Would you marry someone if they were unable to have sex?
of course not!how to make babies like that?HAHAHA.ok,seriously.i dun marry a man for his dick.yes,i will marry him.because i love him.

13. What would be harder for you, to tell someone you love them or that you do not love them back?
that i love him.

14. What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up?
my dignity.and my love.

15. Romantic love, when was the last time you told someone you loved them?
tell someone and really mean it? 141206.

16. If you had to go back in time and change one thing, if you HAD to, even if you have “no regrets” what would you change?
seriously,i duno.i think i would treasure and cherish my ex more.even when he's a jerk.

17. Imagine. It is a dark night, you are alone, it is raining outside, you hear someone walking around outside your window. WHO do you wish was there with you?
my love.

18. Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying?
no,i don't know a thing bout CPR.i'll ask someone for help.and call the ambulance.

19. You are holding onto your grandmother’ s dying hand and the hand of a newborn that you do not know as they hang over the edge of a cliff. You have to let one go to save the other which one would it be?
if i really am left with no choice,i will let go of my grandmother's dying hand.

20. When and how was the last time you told someone how you REALLY feel?
that night.i told someone i don't wanna lose him.and i cried.

If You had three months to live:

21. Do you tell anyone or everyone you are going to die?
no,i will only tell my closed and loved ones.

22. What do you do with your remaining days?
bertaubat.spend all the time i can with the loved ones.mendekatkan diri pada illahi.

23. Would you be afraid?
of course.but i will be prepared for it.

ok,done.its supposed to be a 'tag 8 people to do this' thing.but.i'll leave it to you guys to choose to do it or not,here's a list of things to look out for in the upcoming posts.cey,mcm sneak peeks plak.haha.

1. iftar camp 07'
2. the answer to throw IRMA.
3. announcement for 4A class gathering.
4. hari raya preps.
5. miscellaneous things.
6. and yes,your tag replies.

till here.


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