Thursday, September 13, 2007


i am dreading my exam results tomorrow.i dun even wana think of how slack i've been in the past semester.give me preject assignments,i can try and do my best.give me theory-based tests,and i wun be bothered to study for them.sheesh~like for one,i only studied fer medsoc exam the morning before the paper started at 2p.m.yeah,im screwed.tell me bout it.aku tknk repeat sem lah siaaalllllll.

ok.i noe my other nyahs are all listing down the names of the nyahs they miss from A-Z in their entries.well,i'll just make it short.aku rindu nyah-nyah aku lah sey!!we'll set a date and break fast together-gether one day ok!aahh! i like,i love!*nyah mode*

oh, bestfriend a.k.a gundu deng-deng.i noe u hate me fer gettin starbucks.i feel bad,i really i noe u still love me no matter what.wa wa wa wa wa!*shakes head to the left**shakes head to the right*(inside joke)

first day of fasting and i had to work.yah, still at pizza hut.long story cut short,i dun bother to tell.nyehehehe.ok,so.i was the only girl staff that day( been a while since) and i had to listen to guys talk.everyone was fasting.but i noe who didnt.hehehehe.*evil laugh*anyway,i tell you ah.wah,cnt tahan man.being the make person means no air-con,cnt even feel the fan and long standing hrs.lucky today not many orders.if not,i think i'll faint or even make-make faint(buat-buat pengsan) on the make table itself.HAHAHAHA.ok,lame irma.

the other time i said i want to be thrifty on this 2 week's pay rite?last monday,i bought two long sleeve tops from Fox lah.all thanks to kiki.afta much contemplation,i finally decided to spend just a bit amount on those.yah, now im a happy girl.heee.:)) well,almost.

Exist's Mengintai Dari Tirai Kamar is on repeat mode.
irma dah jadi jiwang seyyyy.
im fine.
i am perfectly fine ok. like a lot to talk about ah.oklah.before i end my entry,below are outdated pictures from pei gen's bday celebration eons ago.

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the girl in red.the bday girl.

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irma: kiwak.and u noe wat?it was like this big ok!
farah: (listening intently) ehk?oh,ok2.uhuh.hahaha.

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farah:,kau tau tk..
irma:(twirls hair) uhuh..

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one snap before deciding on choice of food.

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fish&co. is love yaw!

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the foursome.
from left: bday girl,farah,yours truly,mirah.

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ok.bestfriend photo-taking time.

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and,lastly.i love this picture!

do me and farah even look the same?please,i beg to differ.ok,bye.


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