Wednesday, September 12, 2007


good morning afternoon readers!

and i thought when i wake up today,everything will be alright.i guess much for tomorrow is a new day.hah.

grandmama and kak rin are off to kampung and daddy's not around,that means.i'll be the maid domestic worker of the house.pfft.hopefully for only a week.the little one can even say that she prefers not having a maid.ah,thanks ehk.nanti kau hurray-hurray,aku yang stress mangkuk kat sini.


im sorry.i still feel bad.i really grateful you came yesterday.ecstatic even.despite your ongoing prelims.but i duno what's wrong with me.maybe im just tired.or maybe i suddenly feel burdened with multiple responsibilities all at one time.or maybe i just hate the situation im in right now.

i don't like it that i have to be dependent on someone.i've always been independent on my own.and suddenly.i find it hard to lead a life without your presence.

i know you understand how i feel.i've changed,haven't i?im finding ways to cope with it.its only a month or so.surely i can go thru this.rite?if you can do it the last time,why can't i this time?

yes.i will wait for matter how hard it is for me.i'll just have to hold on to the belief that everything will be over.soon.

i duno if you readers understood whatever i've written.but i just need a space to rant out my complications and uncertainties.

and afta this,i will continue with what is becoming a mundane routine for me.

and just when i thought i could i get what i've always wanted.
everything seems so bleak.


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