Friday, October 05, 2007


im happy and excited!why you may ask?because..

1. i got a letter from an old friend,amalia!

2. iftar camp yaw! cun wait to meet the ppl frm other schs!
3. raya nk dekat!

yah,thats all.and afta this,im gona reply her 3 full paged letter and mail it today!yey!i haven't packed my bag fer camp.because i just checked the email today.haha.sesungguhnya ok.

and when i woke up today,i just realised something.i didnt wake up fer sahur fact,kak rin overslept which caused us to miss our sahur.oh,well.a good thang,i ate something when i got back frm training/work last nite.

speaking of which,last nite's training/work was a bit better fer learning coach this time is esa.he's better,i can say.making sure i understood every detail.squeezing in 3-4 modules at one time with a break in between.bleh mangkuk sey.then i moved on to doing practical at the POS register.blur sotong again.esp. calling out beverages to the bar persons.if you get the sequence wrong,you have to repeat again.until you get it rite.

"i want a iced tall vanilla extra whipped latte." or
" i have a grande chocolate cream chip no whipped frappucino blended cream."

haha.seriously,i duno even noe if i just typed out the right sequence of bev. calling.esa says i got potential.i just need to put in more,thats a bit of a confidence boost.

ok,before i end this post.lemme show you a picture.

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hisham painstakingly took this picture just to send it to me and asking me to put it as my msn dp.thanks ehkk.

ok,now.guess what this is.

throw IRMA is a _____.

answer will be given on the next post.



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