Tuesday, November 27, 2007


i thought its over.why still talk bout it?i thought its settled.why still argue and moan over it?i kept quiet.i observed.what's with this friendship issues we are having?we barely knew each other for a year.why start to criticise each other's flaws already?

i just don't understand.we are supposed to be real friends who are there for each other all the time.real friends who laugh at each other and with each other.real friends who will listen and cry with each other.

if this is an misunderstanding,then please clear it.i thought this was a trivial matter.why make it confusing?why make it such a big hoo-ha?

we are matured young adults(well,at least i think so). why talk behind each others' backs?we have to learn to accept each others' flaws.everyone's not perfect.no matter how a saint he may be.

yes.maybe we should all sit down and talk about this.tell what you don't like about each other.better still,talk about each other's problems and share secrets.

if you are my real friend,will you?


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