Tuesday, October 16, 2007

.last call.

hello. :))

i know,i haven't been updating a while.but now i am.hee.been busy durin the week leading up to hari raya.a lot of things to talk bout.but first...

the answer to throw IRMA!

thank you for the many guesses of throw IRMA.from a starbucks product(HAHA!) to a pillow to a rug/blanket.there are even a couple who played around with the name itself.throw irma in a rubbish bin pe..

ok2.so,who got the answer right?dayah!it is a product from ikea and yes,

throw IRMA is a rug!

now,that aside.sorry if i haven't been replying to all the tags.i read them.i just dun bother to reply to them.hehx.i appreciate it that you people tagged.thank you ehk.lain kali,tag-tag slalu!

i have an announcement to make.listen up all 4A ppl! this is for you guys!pei gen and i are planning on another bbq session(again) this coming december during poly's two week break.but.you can choose to have a bbq session or a chalet.if i can get at least 20 responses,i will go on with the planning.i hope more can make it this time round.sms me or email me or even nudge me in msn if you're interested to go ok.choose ok.bbq or chalet! thank you!

ok,dah.i noe today is oready the fourth day of raya.but whatthehell.


irma ingin meminta maaf kepada semua yang kenali irma.minta maaf jika ada tersilap kata,terkasar bahasa,menyinggung perasaan,membuat kamu semua marah,membuat kamu tunggu lama untuk irma datang,mengumpat di depan kamu,memarahi kamu,menyusahkan hidup kamu semua dan yang sewaktu dengannya.kalau irma ada terambil atau mencuri makanan dan minuman kamu,harap dihalalkan.sedangkan rasulullah mengampunkan umatnya,apalagi kamu.cey..macam paham jek aku.ok,ok.maaf sekali lagi.nanti tahun depan buat lagi!

oh,thank you to those who flooded my inbox with hari raya smses.including pei gen and nicky.thank you for the wishes yaw! :))

first day of school.what can i say?i was determined not to slack around and focus on my studies this semester.had lecture from 9-5 with a break from 12-2.cordelia's first lecture was a good start followed by a long winded one from patrick wong chin on.during break,hanged around with nyahs from fms.then,what'shisname gave a boring lecture on social psychology.does he even know what he's teaching?i totally tuned out the next two hrs.but,the day ended well with felix tan's lecture on radio.super hilarious lah ok.hahaha.

that's all i guess.its still the first week.i have lots more to look forward to.ritee.hari raya post coming up.till then.bye semue!


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