Thursday, January 05, 2006

ok guys.dun get da wrong idea dat im in a broken hearted state or wataver it is.coz im nt.i juz lurve tis skin.n da song too.real nice.i loikes!hmm.scool was normal 2dae.sleepy durin chem lesson.surprisinly awake durin bio clas.n yea.i finali understood da differentiation topic.yey-ness.lessons ended at da new time table wil onli take effect frm nxt wk onwerds.woohoo!

erm.i miz goin out wit hm.hish.its like im nw takin ma studies more importantly than hm.its gd isnt it?bt.i tokin crap here.n findin it hard to see hm in scool.onli when ma gurls point hm out,then i notice hm.aiyoh.sumtimes i feel bad fer askin too much of hm.haiz.if onli.if onli it was stil like last time.damn.i duno wat im tokin bout nw.i dun even noe wat im supposed to write.nvm.tings wil get outzz.toodles.


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