Sunday, January 01, 2006

woohoo~! im back!!!haprie new yr!!2006 is finalli here!startin a new life again!kwang3..n guess wat?i havent thought of ma new yr's resolution yet!!whoots~!kk.had a great holidae wit bestie's family n her dad's frens.which left me darker n chubbier!!aiyoh!ate a lot sey!then sumore 3 days tk berak.perut senak siol.hish!

u noe.fer a moment.i thought of nt goin.coz he told me he duno if he cn survive 3 days wifout me.gosh!i didnt noe he was liek dat..!damn.oh,wel.i stil n bestie.we eat a lot.sleep a lot.n lots of other stuff a lot!kheke!us.wherever we walk,dere wil always be guys starin at us.hish.oh,wel.i hate to admit did flirt a bit over dere.ooh.oh.

last day.we shopped a lot.or rather.her parents n frens shoped a lot.hahha.i bought a shirt.which i had to flirt to bargain wit.dasar gemuk tk tau malu!mintk name lah..mintk no. sdar diri siol!bt.i got da shirt fer 20 bucks which was 25 bucks originali.woohoo!then.decided to buy a shirt fer hm.hmm.its nice uh.wonder when im gona giv it to hm.oh,wel.

b4 headin back to spore.we head to tis kipmart place.i went to tis watch shop lukin fer a watch fer lil sis.da sop assistant was tokin to me.askin where im i cum wit.hw old i am.haha.he's nice.when i told hm dat im 15.he saed."ooh.u luk pretty."cey deba!sape yg tk kembang ehk..!aww!kk.cut da crap.walk2.i was oreadi tired by then.blah3.reached home at almost 8.

n.all ma cuzzins n aunties n uncles were dere..!mcm ari raye ehk.hmm.terpakselah lyn.pdhal im oreadi exhausted liek shit.hmm.msged didnt rply.i guess he was usin another which i dun bother to try msgin.hish.sumtimes.i stil find it hard to blieve dat im attached.esp to outz..!wil b tinkin of ma resolution.kiwakz!chiowzzie!


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