Wednesday, December 28, 2005

hey guys.i went out 2dae.gona write bout dat ltr.coz i hav to finish ma long story bout tis yr.hehee.btw.i'll be gone fer 4 days,i tink,,yah.

ok.where did i stop?er.mayb i'll tok bout wat happened 2nd haf of tat time.i was slackin a damn lot.sumtimes nt doin ma hwk.handin in late werk.nt listenin to da teachers in clas.either i was haf sleepin or ma mind was left at home.yah.then.i got tis sukma budaya tingy goin, i totali didnt cncentrate on ma studies.coz i was so xcited bout da taridra tingy.which in da end.left me stressed out most of da werked our pretty wel k.thanx to da actors n actresses.uhuh.

so.i did mention bout me gettin back wit bestie rite?erm.i kinda fergot hw we got back.hehee.i tink it was afta da tb crisis durin da eoy exams.yah.i guess.durin dat time too.i was a bit cnfused bout hm n his gurl.jap on.jap off.pastu ok alek.pastu break alek.cey.mcm bnyk kali gitu.kwg3.i heard a lot of lies.i learned more bout one point of time.i dun even noe wat i shld be blievin.haiz.juggling btween studies,taridra n ma cnfused was a lot fer i got thru.although.i got 12th position in clas n 23rd fer da whole lvl at da end of da yr.which was quite shockin fer me.coz i nvr got above 10th position in whole lvl in da 3 yrs im in its a fact i hav to then.i was happi fer maself coz i got highest fer mly n eng n did wel fer ma maths.gd2.

finali.da scool hols came.i cn finali hav ma big break.hwever.i was nt happi.i was like uncertain wit ma nt gettin da satisfaction i want.honestly.i rili feel envy whenever i saw couples so luvin n swit life is nt cmplete i knew i nvr stood a chance to b like bday came.hari raya came.nutin frm hm.thought he was over wit his heard ppl saw them dat time.i was rili tired of bein kept in da dark.haish.

then.suddenly.tis fren of mine was beginin to cntact me a lot.msgin me firz i thought nutin of he began askin me bout tis fren of mine.i bcame suspicious of coz.dere muz be sumtin goin on btween da 2 of them.haish.ok.i cun blieve im writin all tis down.coz i didnt mention anitin of it b4.dec 2nd was a fateful day,i guess.neither of us expected all.he kept pesterin me to tel hm y i didnt want a chance wit other guys.i told hm it was nt ma past at all.i refused to tel hm.i rili didnt want hm to noe of ma was fate i guess.he knew it.he was awfully im nt.hmm.da rest of da details.u ppl shld noe bout it.afta 1 yr 3 mths noein hm n 1 yr 8 mths bein single.i've at last changed ma life.d achange dat i nvr thought wld was fer da gd i dats hw ma sorta luv life which i noe is super borin n crap nw wit hm.though its sumtimes hard fer me to trust hm since u-noe-wat.

n so.dats all life as a sec 3.oh,yah.btw.tsi yr gt to noe ma old fren.dat is ma luvly razali!!haha.kk.whenevr i chat wit hm,all ma pobs wil be gone.he's one of da few guys hu cn make me ferget ma prob fer a moment.tok crap.tok shit.yey!dats me whenever wit hm.great to noe u aites.woohoo~!ok.time fer 2dae's entry.whoots~!


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