Friday, December 23, 2005

him: chan kk dah pergi tau.
me:huh?pergi mane?(i am belo.i noe)
him: pergi.die dah meninggal.
me:huh?!ehk?saket ape? wee tahi lalat blg td.die kene cncer uh.
me: oouh..pdnlah.isap rokok bnyk sngt kn.minum pun bnyk kn.
him: baik ehk u.
me: btol pe kn..?( bad) i was blog hoppin juz nw.n gues wat?mani of da entries written were bout mr chan kk's death.didnt realise everyone actually likes hm despite his urgh-cannot-take-it criticisms.i guess.haha.luckily i got ma informer to tel me of his death eariler.if nt,i'll b soo like katak bawah tempurung.hehehe.his funeral was yest?or isit last 2 days?or isit 2dae?er..k,nvm.he's nt ma teacher niwae.

so.lets all hav one min of silence to pray fer him.may he rest in peace.amin.

btw.i tink we gona hav dat one min of silence on da firz day of scool ppl!


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