Friday, December 16, 2005

im suddenly missin da feelin of sittin down in one corner wit a book in ma hand.n be soo engrossed in readin it.its been like mths since school closes dat i didnt even touch a single book.hw pathetic cn i be??goin to da lib is liek makin ma way across wit tis big heavy weight tight on ma legs pulling me back every time.yea.dats hw it is.i cun blieve im suddenly soo lazy+not bothered to go to da lib at all.ooh.oh.i hav to grab a book sooner or ltr.either i hav to force maself to step into da lib.or.i buy a new book.which costs money.hmm.i'll tink bout it.

hmm.tok to hm on da phone jzu nw.soo glad he's beginnin to change fer da noe i hav a long way to go.he asked me to clear thangs out wit tis sumone.he doesnt want to hurt anibody's feelins as far as possible.rite.i noe.i wonder hw mani ppl oready knew bout us?u nvr knew hw big these hong kah lites' mouths cn be.seriously.jzu tel one hong kah lite bout sum news and da nxt thang u noe.da whole scool noes bout it.gosh.dats da last ting i like waitin fer dat person to go he's nt online yet.toodoo.toodoo.gosh.its so hard tryin nt to break a person's out.


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