Thursday, December 08, 2005

ok.fer da sake of sum ppl hu want so much to noe bout yest.i'll sacrifice ma laziness to write everythang dat happened yest aite.hihi.hmm.firz tings firz.yest was nt wat i xpected at all.nt dat much kecoh-ness dat i thought wld be.n satu2 uat hal wit bestie.zinny wit momok wit kiki.n yayakie was liek da middle person.sumtimes wit us,other times wit them.haish.btw,i wore tis red top n da skirt which i've bought dat daddy nvr let me wore bt i did afta arguin wit mummy over it.n matched it wit ma new baby shoes.totali like da goody2 went bowling firz.dere were these np seniors following,yah.afta dat.went to watch chicken little.n guess wat?we saw fauzie laily..!hw cool is dat?k.its nt dat great.thought of takin pix wit gurl was dere.kirim slm suda.afta da movie which was great+borin,we went to ljs to beginnin to start gettin bored of eatin these fast foods.gosh.

then,walk2.bestie had to go home early coz of curfew.afta she's gone.i was liek a bit alone.n quiet.which i dun like.oh,wel.i smsed wit hm at da same,nt dat bored uh.we then decided to go esplanade coz im tired of walkin.sat was rili.i feel as if all ma probs n sorrows r evaporated.cey. then,i luk up at da durian.n dere i was wonderin if dere is rili a rooftop.coz all i c r da thorns n stuff.hahax.xcuse me fer bein dum dum.nvm.i'll find ltr next last reached home at 7.30.the end.

so,nw fer 2dae's entry.tis is da firz time i watched da same movie twice in a week.rite.i watched ayam kenit nk step save da werld 2dae.again.wit ma lil sis.coz she wanted so much to watch.n i duno y im wantin to make her hapi nwadays.hmm.n all da way,dere was tis mat saleh kid bhind me hu's been kickin ma seat.which of coz was irritatin.oh,wel.nvm dat.

btw.he called ma house tis i was at ngaji.n daddy picked up da phone.n i was wonderin wat daddy might hav saed to,nt dat im scared he wld freak out coz a guy called fer me.he's cool bout dat.jzu wonderin wat he cld hav saed to,2nite i'll b callin hm.coz i feel liek tokin sum tings wit hm.haish.i guess im gona hav a hard relationship wit hm.haiz.oh,wel.til here then.buhbuaiz ppl.

p.s: attention dayak!i want pics of me n bestie..!hope u havent deleted them yet.hehe.lurve u veri strong..!


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