Friday, December 02, 2005

last nite.daddy told nt wear da skirt i juz bought.i told hm its nt short.he doesnt care.he doesnt want me to wear it.he asked me to sell it to other ppl.which left me fuming.i wanted to dun want tired of dat.i lurve dat skirt.dere's no way im gona sell it to way.i'd rather keep it than hand it to other ppl.

then bestie called.told her a bit bout it.most of da time tok bout tis guy hu called her.which is stupid as he doesnt wana reveal his name.n claimed dat b4 goin ns,wanted to try cntact bestie back.which is bullshit.coz its nt like u r goin to sum pilgrimage to mecca.n wantin to cntact all da gurls u once knew back.haha-ness.

then we put down coz her guy called.i was juz sittin on ma bed in da dark.i cun sleep u see.then.i juz msged i didnt expect a rply.coz its oreadi past which i was stunned.msged a bit.then he asked me to kol hm.i guess he knew dere was sumtin wrong wit,yah.i told hm bout it.he tried to cheer me up.which he rili did.haha-ness.coz he saed if he were me,he wld put more cloth on da skirt to make it longer.khekeke.furnie shit.

he oso sorta scolded me.wel,nt rili a bit sorta.he told me i cld bargain fer da skirt i bought which was 30 bucks.then.blahness.he cld hav cum along.blah3.yea.though we had to put down afta bout 1/2hr coz i duno did cheered me up.thanx so i stil cun sleep.n finalli slept at 2.36.yah.

wel.i did hav fun yesterday though.great fun.thanx fer makin ma day sad bestie-bestie cldnt tag along.hmm.mish ya lots.ya noe.hmm.wana noe bout da great thangs dat happened yesterday?


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