Tuesday, December 13, 2005

ok.i admit.im missin hm nw.haish.im waitin fer hm to kol.bt da phone's nt ringin yet.toodoo..toodoo..ok.stop dat noise.





its nt ringing.


aiyoh.tis ali uh.rili menyusahkn idop aku btol.kwang3.ok2.i'll fill up tis sorta game.aite.

rules of the game:
1) post 5 weird or random thangs bout urself.
2)at the end of the post, list 5 ppl whom u want to do the quiz.
3)next,leave acomment "u r tagged" in their blog and ask them to read their blog fer rules.

1) when im alone, i like to tok to maself.a lot.
2) i like to bite ma nails.weird enuf?
3)i dun like to cry in front of ppl.bt i actoali cry a lot.when im alone.
4) im a very stuborn gurl.when i say i wana go out,i dun care if ma parents wun let me go out.i'll stil go out.
5) i nvr scream or shout out loud when i watch horror movies.hwever scary dat movie is.furnie bt yah.

5 ppl on ma list:
1) bestie
2) bestie-bestie
5)ct fana

ok.i've done dat.n.gues wat,ali?i didnt take a long time fer me to figure all dat out.hehe.ok.i've done wit tis.n he stil havent called yet.gosh.i cun blieve im dat desperate.guess i'll stop here.n mayb wait a while fer da phone to ring.hish.nitez guys.


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