Wednesday, December 28, 2005

heeluuu peeps!!toodoo.toodoo.i cun blieve im writin 2 entries at such a short 2dae went out wit hm n huever-it-is.we were all wearin white,surprisinly.

we watched narnia.a rili great movie.liek seriouly.i cn easily giv it 4 1/2 stars out of n hm.we were sekecoh org blkg.dere's tis couple bhind us hu were soo kecoh n annoyin.oops.until i hav to ask them to shut up.haiyo.hehee.btw.b4 dat.i met hm at his bustop.tnggu punyelah lame.i rili hate to wait fer hm.bknnye tnggu rape min wld b at least haf an hour.hish.janji mlyu btol.hmm.ok,back to story.

so.i was da one hu blanje hm tngk wyg.since i felt like i owe hm fer always treatin da theatres.i was gettin cold.took out a sweater.afta a while.realised he was cold too.jd kite take turns pkai sweater.jap die pkai.then aku plak ended.n we n huever-it-is seperate ways.ate at kfc.he blanje me plak.yey-ness.yey!hahax.skali.terserempak si ct fana ngan iffa ler.alermak.ish3.ct fana dah sape me.hehe.hope u gurls dun go around tellin ppl bout us k..?hehee.

bought sum stuff.paid fines.n headed home.all da way back.both of us were quiet.haiz.i was tied n ma back was hurtin a then.i felt sumtin was nt rite.ok.i tried nt to tink much of it.smpai void deck umah aku.he was standin dere.n saed gdbye.forcin a smile.i felt bad.coz he knew he wld nvr get a kiz frm me.da luk on his face.haish.i rili am feelin bad rite nw.haiz.i'll be gone 2ml.cumin back sat nite.y am i repeatin dat a lot of times?ok.i outzz.dun miz me ppl.keep taggin aitez.chiowzzie.


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