Saturday, July 15, 2006

hey back frm a bit of hiatus.the week has been hectic n tough fer partly lazy n nt in da mood fer updatin.nw dat i cn finalli brush off all da late nite sleeps n emotional breakdowns fer da time being,i tink dat im pretty much in gd shape.fer nw.

scool had been a pfft.~we had several free periods almost everyday.i cld hav jzu stayed at home n study on ma own.instead of wastin time doin nutin at scool.n durin dat time,da ppl in ma class seem to b havin a great time playin hand games.i mean,u make use of ur hands to play da game.yes,we were like children again.i guess we were childhood-deprived huh.gee~n we wld make a hell lot of a noise anybody passin by our clas wil nvr blieve we r in 4A,supposedly da best class in da whole exp lvl.sheesh~

im nw learnin to not take thangs too seriously.i've always been a pessismist.i guess its time i stop findin all da bad reasons fer anitin dats happenin in ma life.n juz luk at da lighter side of da matter.dere r sum thangs dat u cun change.dere r facts dat u muz accept no matter hw hard it is to swallow.n da most difficult part wil b havin to live wit willin to go thru dat stage n acceptin wat life has given memories wil always live in ma heart no matter wat da future da holds.

on a lighter note,da day dat we've all been waitin fer had finali arrived.140706,da day when da sec 4 batch of ncos are officially standin down n passin their roles as ncos to da newly appointed sec 3 ncos.yes,it feels as if a huge burden has been lifted frm our shoulders.dere were tears of joy and sadness at da same time.fer me,im glad dat i dun hav to bother bout npcc animore n cncentrate fully on ma 'o' then,i wil always miz da sec 2 cadets.i've been teachin them n bonded wit them.afta da p.o.p(passing out parade),dere were lotsa picture takin session.all formal n candid.gee~wataver it is,i wl nvr ferget ma fellow ncos.after 4 years of np,we rili bonded together regardless of race,stream n of cos,gender.hahx.

its da weekend.yes,it is.hw i've always been lukin ferwerd to tis day stayin home these 2 days.coz im stil feelin tired n ma back's hurtin werse than ever due to yest's training.its a gd thang gler partner was dere fer me.though he was late fer 20mins.gosh~bt,he made up fer his mistakes.dun ask me hw,he juz did.til here ppl.hopefulli i cn post up da pics by,yah.hav a gd day.


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