Tuesday, June 27, 2006

i luk like shit in scool 2dae.or like bestie like to say,pathetic shit.nw dats a beta werd.sheesh~went to scool tis morn wearin ma long skirt.if onli i knew it was our dear mr wee hu's gona check da skirts,i swear i nvr wld hav buka jahitan of ma skirt.darn.

other than dat,i slept late last nite n i was darn sleepy da nxt day.i didnt realise it was so bad until ma gurls told me ma eyes luk puffy,super small(yea,ma eyes r oreadi small) and a bit watery.oh gdness!when i onli slept at 2 revisin ma chem.i kept stealing short naps durin lessons n yes,i was more blur2 than usual.haish.cun be blame.tsk2.

of da chapts dat i revised fer chem last nite,i tink onli bout 30% of it r absorbed.gee~simply bcoz i like to listen to music whenever i study n then i wil start singin like nobody's business n stop at where i was studyin.im nt as much gifted as to hav da ability to do three thangs at one time.so,u cun blame me.hehee.

izam n i hav started tokin to each other usin awak kite.cute rite?pls say it is.hahax.ok2.i'll stop it.bt,its fun u noe.hehe.he n shazni juz cun stop teasin bestie bout her lost voice.kekek to da max lah dey.aiyoh.kheke.he wun admit it bt he wil always hav to nid ma help when da situation arises.n i,da ever-so-gd fren wil try her best to help hm.vice versa.

im supposed to b emo-ing rite nw.which im beginning to.bt,i wil stay hyper n gler2 juz to avoid feelin dat way.its nt gd u noe.i'll keep maself occupied wit ma studies.nvm.da time wil cum.cey~wataverlah.til here ppl.oh,yah.MT 'O' LEVEL ORAL EXAM is tis THUR.i haven't been keepin updated wit da latest news.juz hope i dun screw up ltr esp since im da second person to b takin it.gosh~bye ppl.


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