Thursday, June 22, 2006

mornin supposed to b bloggin bout ma hol trip yest bt i fergot.gosh~hw fergetful cn i b these days?hmm.

next time,remind nvr to go to k.l fer a hol trip again.unless its fer shoppin.pffh~simply bcoz ma intepretation of a holiday is a relaxing n enjoyable one.nt dat i didnt enjoy one bit of da hol,except fer da buki dear uncle lost his way back to da hotel n daddy hu's known to noe all da routes in spore bt has no idea hw to move arnd k.l was absolutely pissed off as our car tailed behind uncle's car.i'd rather stay inside da hotel room than to walk arnd da busy city.

im nt even as thrilled to go to berjaya times square.bcoz i dun like me kental or wataver u want.i jzu dun like me n mummy was walkin arnd da place,we were aproached by tis ladie hu offered me to take part in tis contest where u wear da new levi's jeans n pose fer a pic.if i win,i'll get a levi's jeans fer free.kewl enuf,i tried fer,no.i dun tink ma pic wil get picked.dere wil hundreds of pics taken all arnd malaysia.hahx.fat hope mama.

last day of da trip,we headed to melaka fer some makcik-makcik shopping.heex.hwever,two of ma uncles got sick n we had to go back much fer expectin to go to da air terjun.pffh~oh,wel.nvm family was stuck in da traffic jam at causeway.many cars were tryin to potong jalan. n dere's tis stupid driver in frnt of us hu easily gave way to cars wantin to cut queue.wth?daddy started swearin liek shit.n i mean,liek shit.fark u wonder da daughter oso like dat.heex.

on mon,met up wit dearest.helped him wit his s.s n his hwk.i was stil kinda tired frm da trip.yet i was energised to mit hm.hahx.dah lame tk jumpe katekn.afta dat,we ate at kfc.caught up wit each other.we luk at watches then n i saw tis watch wit a heart shape inside it.i wanted it.he wanted da price was,we tried to luk fer a cheaper price at imm n to no avail.all tis while,he kept callin me giler.grr.!he wil go,'eh,gler.sinilah.' or 'gler,cptlah.' juz bcoz i've been more than hyper n gile2 in frnt of hm lately.hmph~i was rili tired on our way home.i juz kept quiet n lay on his shoulders.hmm.he'll b buyin da watches fer us.wee~!ok2.tis entry's gettin super long.bestie!cpt2lah sembuh!gue kangen sama elo!!hehehee..bye ppl!


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