Wednesday, June 07, 2006

im update.juz so dat those bored fellas outta dere hu hav nutin beta to do except to blog-hop n frenster-hop n chat wil nt get more bored readin ma blog.n esp to ma dear bestie.i guess i owe her one entry since she oreadi helped me download a dat gud enuf?hehee.syg kau!bluecks~!

tis morn had a maths.i tink im enjoyin vectors.heck,i've always prefered a maths than e maths.da e maths hwk is like a killer,then we had our,bestie,ah bao,qin jie n hajarah went out eatin at da mama n bestie ate maggi wit egg.mmmph.sdap u noe.ah bao is super blur-blur cute.juz like i liked it.gee~to top off all dat,here's wat he saed which made me almost choke frm laughin while finishin da soup:
ah bao: u nt scared hair drop off uh eat maggi everyday?
dat rili got me.wakakaka~!sumore,he's like levin frm spore idol.bcoz his eyes r super tiny,everytime he smile or laugh(which he always does),his eyes wil always sumwat close.gosh~hw cute cn he get?hehee.ok,stop.if nt,sumone wil get jealous.rite,dear bestie?heex.

in da aftanun,i went to watch x-men 3(again)wit ma siblings.u noe,hw hard u try to make up to sumone,tryin to win them over,hopin dey wil hav their greatest time ever,bt in da end dey didnt even appreciate it n even show dat sulkin face to hurts,u i juz let it go.u cun make every single person happy.oh,wel.

n gues hu i met at jp again?'s...den!hehee.yes,coincidentally i met hm dere.when i juz met hm on mon.wat a coincidence.he's a fren of mine.a gd fren perhaps.hmm.niwaez.i badly want dat knee-lengthed pants n da pointed pumps i saw at ice lemon tee.wil he buy dat pants fer me?hmm.hopin,hopin.hish~hahax.ok.til here then.n yes,if u're soo bored ppl.go to slip lah!rili kill time one.hahax.bye folks!


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