Sunday, May 28, 2006

so.i did tok on da phone wit hm.n yah.we werked it was a bit hard fer me to fergiv hm.he was apologisin all da way.pffh~told me he was havin no mood over his dad.n yes,i bcum his victim in ventin out his anger.told hm i cried bcoz of dat plus da fact dat he saed sum thangs.he was so guilty he kept sayin 'yelah,org slalu uat u mrh.' which is kinda true uh.fortunately,im a patient cn put up wit all his crap n shitti-ness.

afta dat.we tok like normal.he tellin stories,me listenin.aww~glad thangs r back to which.made me lurve hm more than ever.aww~ok.stop dat.

im in desperate need of money soo broke dat i dun even hav enuf money to buy ma monthly issue of seventeen!gosh~coz im scrimping to save enuf fer ma bil.and.and.i want dat brown varens(sp??)shoes.and.and.dat knee lengthed bad.i dun tink i cn save enuf money to buy all those stuff.unless.i cn ask santa to buy fer gd2 no eat boifren money.hahx.

ok.til here ppl.n to those 'o' level cndidates.i wana wish u:

gd luck fer ur 'o' level mother tongue written examinations


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