Tuesday, May 23, 2006

i didnt get to c hm fer 3 whole days.gosh~i dun care.i want to c hm 2ml.i nid to c hm.coz i hate to b missin hm real badly.get wel soon lah boi.aiyoh.

orite.dat aside.its onli tue n i duno hw im gona survive da rest of da week bein stuck in da condo rm(air cnditioned class) frm 8.00-1.30 doin nutin except malay n malay n malay.pffh~im bored to death~!!god help me pls.gosh~

afta scool,i went to bestie's house.we watched 2 movies.oen is a horror movie titled water spirit.bestie saed its scary.erm,bt to me.its nt dat scary bt gross or a bit gruesome.which i cn handle.whoosh~then.we watched honey.again.hahakz.cn blame me.i watched it fer da third time.n no.i dun get sick of it.jzu lurve da dance moves baybeh~!n yes.jessica alba is oh-so-hot n suhweet!i want her hair most of all.gee~

ok.til here ppl.im bored.pffh~im outz!


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