Sunday, April 30, 2006

decent pose.


i used to b taller than hm.pffh~

mocha meets mango frap.

small sis n not-so-small bro.

da family.

kewl effects huh?gee~

nice one.

missing you.

step cute tk menjd.kwng3~

excuse ma expression.i was bz lukin at gays.

ma new vivie slip-ons.wee~!

emo n retaded.

formal pic.

pics frm yest's n da family went out to celebrat emummy's belated bday.we ate at secret recipe.da meals were oh-so-delicious.da cakes?absolutely scrumptious.yummy2~!then,afta dat.we went shoppin.whoosh~!i got maself a new vivie slip-ons n cotton pants.kewl-ness~lurve it baybeh.hahax.

ppl,da next time i change ma skin afta 24hrs.plz slap me on da face.heex.i juz cun get maself to stick to one blogskin.hehex.exams r nearing.ohmy-ohmy.i tink im onli haf prepared.khekee.gosh~ok,ppl.til here then.enjoy mugging fer nite!

im missing u more n more each day.


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