Tuesday, April 18, 2006

i find it rili furnie n absolutely weird when nobody wld line up fer queue while waiting fer da bus 98.esp. bus 98.hmm.so.went to da lib juz nw wit pei gen.studied fer 1hr n read tis book fer another hr.im soo totali engrossed in reading the notebook by nicholas sparks nw.their lurve story is so like,wow.gosh~

i cun blieve i was soo studious last nite.i actoali studied bio fer 2hrs.kewl uh~c,mama is actoali living up to her expectations.heex.bt,as a result,ma eyes were all small n watery when i woke up tis morn.goosh~nvm.im gona get used to it.nw dat i oreadi hav da motivation to study fer da upcomin mye.whoosh~

er.ok.i hav tis sumone tagging at ma board sayin his lurve to me.hrmpph.dun freak me out leh.hopefuli it turned out to b sumone whom i thought to b.hmm.kk.i hav to get off nw.bro nagging at me.n i hav lil sis to teach.n i haven't eaten ma dinner~!ehem2.plus ma medicine.hmm.til here ppl.gd nite.


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