Thursday, April 13, 2006

weee~ola feelin beta 2dae.heex.headache back pain stil dere lah.nvm,im used to it.

yes2.holidays r here.or rather.2ml is a public holiday.hence,no scool fer us.n those farking teachers giv out hwk as if we hav a one-week holiday.fer goodness sake.if u ppl giv us loads of hwk,hw r we goin to hav time to study on our own.bleargh~!

so.santa was soo suhweet as to wait fer me afta scool to send me home.n he had to wait 2 whole hrs fer me.hehee.i had mly enrichment juz nw.aww~ehem2.i got sumtin n sumtin frm is swit of hm or mayb thoughtful of,wel...its one size too big fer me..x)

im stayin hm 2ml.gona try finishin up those truckloads of freakin shit.sat im goin out.wee~i wana watch take the lead!anione wana watch wit me?gurls?whooshh~

im currently writin a poem bout me n santa.suddenly got da inspiration n sumore bestie urge me to write.yes,gurl.i wil try to write one bout u.when i cn get da inspiration.whoots~!ok2.til here then ppl.hav a gd holiday.spend it wisely.coz we'll b mugging fer exams oreadi.whoots~!chiowzz ppl.


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