Monday, April 03, 2006

lemme ask u ppl tis qn.hav u ppl been called 'a bunch of disgraceful assholes' b4?wait.lemme rephrase it.hav u ppl been called 'a bunch of disgraceful assholes' by a teacher b4??i tink so not.wat telah hapenned?long story cut short,here's da story.

we,da UGs(uniformed grp),were makin a hell of a noise cumin in into da hall afta our turn was done diruptin da tommy lee had been tellin us to cum in as quiet as,ppl nwadays jzu duno hw to listen to,he called us out.n yes.he did vent his anger out on did one terrible mistake.he shldnt hav used vulgarities on us.even me as teenager,i dun like it when grown ups use vulgarities on me.scold us or nag at us wataver u dun use vulgarities.a total no-no.afta da rehearsal was done,he apologised bt he saed we cld vent our anger out on his board outside da humanities rm.wat do u noe?next thang,da UGs,esp da NCC wrote out wat dey cld.mind u,dere were vulgarities on da n dila wrote 'even if u hav to scold us,u dun hav to use vulgarities.we recommend u go fer anger management course'.a bit,its true enuf.fullstop. rili is in da wrong?lemme write out 2 short paragraphs bout each party.

mr tommy shld scold us.we deserved to b scolded.or rather,da ppl hu made noise deserved to b shld nvr hav used vulgarities on us.dats wat happens when u rili cun cntrol ur anger.if mr lee is reading tis,he shld noe dat he did da rite thang by scoldin da UGs.dat guy muz hav been stressed out.society nwadays r jzu liek uncivilised nt ashamed to say dat we teenagers r uncivilised brats.

nw,we,da uncivilised brats shld noe beta than to make,dere was a commotion at tat time.n u noe hw uncivilised brats r.hwever,we,da uncivilised brats shld accept scoldings as it is.bcoz we were insulted,we followed our anger n scribbled vulgarities lee was kind enuf to say dat he wun report us if we wote at his board.he's doin his best fer society fer goodness sake.

so.afta all dat.hav u ppl thought of hu's to blame?i dun side ani fact,i blame both parties.we,da uncivilised brats shld noe beta than make noise.n bcoz of one tiny terrible mistake,mr tommy lee's name was tarnished.n dats y u ppl shld blieve dat..

anitin cn change..juz like dat.


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