Thursday, March 30, 2006

finali.a much-needed break.afta all da hectic schedule doin tons of hwk n studyin fer tests these past few days,i've finali break away frm all tat.n fer once relax n chill on a weeknite.whoots~!

santa is rili like santa u noe.hehekz.hw stupid.wat fer call hm santa if he's nt like santa?gosh~okie2.i lost ma syg pencil,da one i had since pri 6.n i stil haven't found it asked me da type of pencil n da color.n wat do u noe?next thang,he took out da same exact type of pencil wit da same color,onli newer n gav it to me!or isit lend it to me?oh, bein da gd girlfren.i'l find ma syg pencil n return hm his when i've found ma syg pencil.heex.dat's juz one of da thangs dat makes me lurve hm lotsa.oh, lurve syed azmir more~!oops~khekeke.dats all i hav to blog bout actoali.hmm.nutin much happened.scool's fine.da usual shit.n im nite dear readers.


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