Friday, April 21, 2006

in da morn,me n bestie went into tis 7-11 at j.e to buy batteries.both da werkers were mat2.n both were da mod-haired guy was cute though.stil,blur.oh,wel.cun blame them.heex.

me,bestie,mira n dila reached da stadium juz as da flag-raising ceremony was bout to start.i wasnt rili lukin ferwerd to da sports day.i sat at da alpha house's side which was at da far left.n where we cn c clearly da starting point n end pointof da race.i tel u,da sjab ppl were bz werkin their asses off.i mean,afta every race,dere wil always b ppl collapsing on da finishing line.furnie sia.until da mly boys all cn expect hu to fall afta running.whoosh~!

i cun help bt tel u ppl bout tis furnie incident dat occured durin dat time.tis Beta guy was like goin down n rolling on da ground afta runnin.n elakeyaa,a sjab member,was liek goin afta hm n kept askin if he's alrite.suddenly,he was liek lauging away lukin at her.realising dat he's actoali ok,she went to beat hm like sum minahchee beating a pervert wit her shoe.hahahha.cun help laughing when i tink of dat.whoots~!

tis fren of mine was havin health probs.n u noe wat?he ran fer all events n reached i was nt happy.coz he broke down on da firz event.n seriously,dat totali freaked me out k.i was soo afraid sumtin bad wld happen to hm.haish~a person who's very determined in everythang he does,u cun force hm to back out.aiyoh.

afta sports day,i went straight home.damn tired n sleepy ehk.bathed n slept.blieve me,i actoali slept fer 4hrs.gosh~i noe,i sleep liek a pig.or liek daddy says,im a sleeping beauty.whoosh~!hmm.i've finished reading the notebook by nicholas sparks.i recommend u ppl to take a break frm all thsoe thrillers n crime stories n juz sit down n read tis love story.a very exceptional love story.a love story liek no,wow~oklah.til here outz.happy friday nite!whoosh~

'everytime i miz u,i wld recall da time we went out.admirin da joy n laughter we had together.walk hand in hand as if we rule da werld juz fer dat moment of time.'


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