Sunday, June 04, 2006

i had da greatest time yest.weee~!!<br>

yes.i did.i did.hahx.coz he cnceled his holiday trip n went out wit me!i gues he cldnt bear to leave me.aww~dat was da reason y i've been emo-ing these few days.i duno hw i cn survive witout,im gona skip da expo part.basically bcoz dere was no food fair at all.pffh~salah info lah dey.n so.we headed to,where else,bt town.i swear dats da last place i wanted to go.

we alighted off at lavender.we ate at da same place.then we walked along kampung glam to was scorchingly(such a werd??) hot.n we were sweatin like shit.guess wat we did?we went into da shops dat hav air con n pretended to b lukin arnd da shop.when actoali we onli wanted a taste of da air con.whoosh~!

went to bugis strt.i told hm i wanted to luk fer knee lengthed pants.n he practically asked me to go into every shop dat sells those pants.gosh~n yes.i hav to change ma is actoali great window shoppin wit hm.nw i noe.pffh~afta an hr circlin ard da place,he cmplained dat his legs were tired.n its nt even a day of shopping yet.we walked ard bugis again.until finali he wanted to go to da national lib coz he was hot.gosh~

we toured arnd da place liek sum jakun-ers.kheke.i swear i duno where to find da books.da building is so tall.liek 10 storeys?whoa.n da toilet is super sparkling clean.liek nobody's ever stepped in bein jakun was oreadi 7 then.n we didnt noe where to head nxt.we walked again to city legs r gettin tired.gee~we decided to go to da usual place then.

we sat at da rocks under da stars.aww~actoali,dere's onli one star.i duno wat happened to da other,its nt actoali a starry nite.wth.dere we tok.we joked.we laughed.we shared da moments together.bout 8+ liek dat,head off home.i was dehydrated i drank 2 cans of drinks.n its nt even enuf.pffh~

i was rili tired frm walkin too much.n.i asked fer a piggy back.weee~!told me i was heavy.yah, fun.enjoyed da mrt,we managed to get seats.we tok.n suddenly i was so lethargic i juz lay on his shoulders n slept.n he had to wake me up.u cn juz imagine hw exhausted i was.finali.we exchanged kisses n went our seperate ways upon reachin da station.blah3.i reached home at 9++.

as a result,i had backaches n i cldnt slip at nite due to excruciating leg cramps.stil,i had da greatest time last nite.n im lukin ferwerd to a date wit hm again tis wed.til here ppl.adios~!


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