Thursday, June 08, 2006

when i haven't been mitin hm n cntactin hm fer days,i wil start to miz hm badly.n when i start to miz hm badly,i'll bcum emo.when tis happens,i'll get emo or hurt over sumtin so trivial easily.sumtimes tears wil flow down easily witout me even realisin it.i hate to b feelin tis way.bcoz it shows hw weak n sensitive i am.i dun liek to b like i gues tis relationship has made me more sensitive than ever.cun help it.

a maths remedial was makin me sleepy more than i hav to admit.I LURVE VECTORS BUT I HATE RELATIVE VELOCITY.dere u go.afta dat,eng was all bout nasi briyani.i mean,she gav us tons of crappy shit then asks us to eat da nasi briyani dat stall 10 has prepared fer enuf.i rili hope tis crappy shit is all werth it fer da o lvls.sheesh~

ma back is beginin to hurt again.its been hurtin these few days.gosh~i find it difficult to slip at nite.urgh~i dun like these thangs to happen.bestie had injected tis thought into u miz ur partner so much dat u wil start to cry?wel,fer' s happened b4.eeew,irma cengeng.k,wataver.sumtimes when i cun take it animore,these tears wil juz roll down da,no.i dun cry like shit.jzu these tears falling down.n sumtimes i cry maself to slip,hopin to dream of hm since i cun c hm.gee~didnt noe hw hard dat cn quite used to it niwae.

Now here i sit, so far away.
Remembering all our memories.
Its times like these that I miss you most,
Remembering when we were so close.
mest: jaded.


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