Tuesday, June 20, 2006

yes.im back frm ma hol trip.nt as gd as usual is.nvm.i'll write bout dat ltr.i hav 2 surveys to do(pffh~)courtesy of a couple of ppl hu ask me to do it.here it goes.

survey 1.
7 random facts bout me..
1.my name is irma sakinah.(haha,lame)
2.i cun live ma life witout ma loved ones.
3.i stil duno wat i feel bout tis cute_guy of mine.
4. im happy enuf wit wat im havin rite nw.
5. i lup shopping.bt i dun hav da money.(??)
6. im a maths freak bt a loser in science.
7.when im tired or havin mood swings,i'll juz keep ma mouth shut.

7 things dat scare me..
1. dat he wil leave me.
2. losin ma mum(long story)
3. takin ma o lvls.
4. hantu??
5. creepy crawlies??
6.hari kiamat
7. i duno wat else.

7 random music at the moment
1. kenangan terindah
2. friends of the enemy
3. beautiful tragedy
4. unfaithful
5. stars are blind
6. like you
7. mirame

7 things i saed most
1. sial jek
3. bastard sak
4. acah2
5. isk3.
6. klaka pe!

7 ppl to do tish..
1. iman
3. zanna
4. eqa(if u haven't done)
5. fahriyah
6. nicky
7. isnani

survey 2.
20ppl u cn tink of right now.don't read da qns till u've namedda 20ppl. At da end of it all,choose 5ppl to do this..
1. farah
3.cute guy
7. ali
17.zheng bao
18.pei gen

how did i meet #14? [nicky]
`i've been in da same clas as him since sec 1.
.what wud u do if u never met #1 [farah]
`i'll die!!hehehe..
what wud u tink if #20[reza] and #9[hisham] dated?
`hehehe.cute gay couple!weee~
did u ever like#19 [iffa]
`yarh..as a fren..
would #6[iman] and #17[zheng bao] make a couple?
`uh..i'd rather nt tink bout it.eeeww~!
describe #3[cute guy]
`perangai mcm sial,call me giler,step cute,irritating,bt i stil lurve hm despite all dat.
do you tink #8[mirah]attractive?
`oh,shes' swit..esp wit her senyum tampal..hehehe..
tell me bout #7[ali]
`he's one guy hu icn b crazy wit n make me ferget all ma probs.n he cn lyn all ma lame jokes when im bored.heex.
do you noe any of #12[hon]'s family?
`hmm..i noe she has a younger sis in ma scool
what r #[mirah]'s favourites?
`ayam n milo!
what wud u noe if #18[pei gen] cnfess dat he/she likes u?
what language does #15[shazni] speak?`
mly lah.
who is #9[iffa] goin out wit?
how old is #16[gordon] now?
`he's oready 16.
who is #2's[eqa] fav band/singer?
`i guess she's universal..?
wud u ever date #4[zinn]?
`uh..mayb not.
wud u date#7[ali]?
`sure,y not.he's one cute blur2 guy..hehee.
is #15[shazni] single?
`i hav no idea.
wat's #10[den]last name?
`uh..im nt sure.i onli his name is den muhd fajrin.
would u ever be in a serious relationship wit #11[omar]?
`no way!!
wat sch does #3[cute guy] goes to?
`same scool as me!!
where does #6[iman] lives?
`under da same roof.
wats ur fav ting bout #5[dila]?
`she's pretty,liek to joke bout.we always tink alike.
5 ppl to do it..
1. iman!


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