Saturday, June 24, 2006

all the good n bad thangs dat cum together.

u duno hw hard it hit me,like a gunshot piercing thru da heart when u saed those werds.u may say it like it doesnt mean it hurts me.urgh~!nutin i do is ever gd enuf fer u.wat shld i do to impress u,to make u proud of me?i tried hard.i tried to b like wat u its nvr gud enuf in ur eyes.u're a perfectionist.i cn nvr b like u.y cun u juz fer once stop n luk at how hard i've werked to get dat results n fer once be proud of it??urgh!!

dat aside.i cun sleep again last nite.was tinkin bout dearest.then skali got msg.thought hm bt it was tis unknown no.n here's hw our cnversation goes.

unknown:is tis miss erma?(spell name pun slh.isk.) tis?
unknown:where r u now?(siow.wat kinda qn is dat?)
me:hu r u??(i rplyed instead)
unknown:u r suspected of takin drugs wit helmy.(ok.dat got me burstin out laughin real loud.)
me:wth r u tokin bout?helmy hu??
unknown:helmy pun tk tau.kwn atiqa..

ok.dat was surprisin.bcoz i lost cntact wit hm last time n i didnt expect hm to stil remember me.haha.hely,helmy.cute guy lah he's da most irritatin phone bastard u cn ever get.oops.yes,he is.he cn b makin those stupid mouth noises on da phone or playin out his irritatin hp ringtones very loud.surprisinly,all da time i was cnferencing wit hm n eqa,i've nvr as tok to hm as directly.get it?its always thru,i was surprised when we sms each other liek gd old frens.he even wanted to call me.kewl i wasnt in da mood.nxt last,he cmplained dat his prepaid's gettin low.n i told hm we cn tok on da phone anitime he wants.kewl.hehee.kinda miz those times.he n eqa was always so cute.hahaks.

kk.i'll stop here.all good thangs n bad thangs cum together i gues.bye ppl!


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