Tuesday, July 04, 2006

beef pepperoni pizza & coconut

hey dere.im actoali lazy to update.bt i noe if i dun,bestie's gona b screamin her head off.so,lets do her a favour aite.n yours too.

yest,went out wit ma gler partner.it was so much fun at firz.bt ended up bad.sheesh~ok2.so,da surprise he had fer me was da Haw Par Villa.oh,gdness.n it was farkingly hot dat day.wel,at least its beta than walkin aimlessly arnd orchard.

we went into tis sorta cave bout da ten courts of hell tingy.excuse me if i've offended any buddhist believers here,bt its all like B.S.oops~sorry.hwever,we learnt sumtin new.its gd enuf.we took pix,or rather,he took pix.hahx.cute lah he.n he wld steal kisses frm time to time.gosh~

afta dat,we went to town.hahax.seriously,liek no other place to go.i was complainin dat i was hungry all da way.ate at ljs(again.) at cineleisure(again.).yup2.got a few cute2 guys u noe.bt i abstain maself frm lukin at them.cey2~we then walk arnd town to find da small watch shop.coz we wanted to buy matching watches.weee~!da watch inside got heart shape u noe.juz liek wat he wanted.we were lucky i guess,coz da watches were da last ones.gee~

then.i guess dats when da bad thang happens.sumtin which i dun wish to disclose.oh,wel.all da way to esplanade n over dere n otw back home,i was quiet n showin dat attitude face to him.i was irritated n angry at da same time lah.he kept askin me wats wrong at firz.bt,he gav up in da end.hu cn put up wit ma stuborn-ness?i noe.i noe.if onli ma ego wasnt dat big.if onli i wasnt sucha self-centred bitch.ugh.i regret it.rili,i am.even afta apologisin to hm b4 gettin to ma door(i dun usuali do dat ok!),i stil feel bad.rili2 bad.i was bein sucha bitch to hm.urgh~its like im da one hu spoils it.we've nvr been like tis on our date b4.argue b4,yes.bt on a date?seriously,i dun liek da idea of it.damn~i admit,fer da firz time im feelin so guilty over wat happened.haish.

scool's back again.n yah.we nw hav matchin shirts n matchin watches.next?matchin shoes!hehehe.liek real onli.haish.ok2.im done here.bye ppl.n yah.



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