Saturday, July 01, 2006

fading away?

we r both bz wit our own thangs.too preoccupied wit our own affairs to even hav time fer each other.we've been stayin up late studyin n feelin all lethargic in scool da next me,i dun tink he even bother to c me.scool ends at 4.30 almost everyday.n all i want most is to go home n sleep.sumtimes we do miz each fact,i've been missin hm more than,studies hav always been firz priority.i hav to put it aside fer da time being.its hard bt i've learnt to get used to it.

no.i dun tink our feelins fer each other r fading away.its stil strong n deep as ever. its juz dat circumstances hav nt allowed us. a few ppl hav been askin me if im stil wit hm.yes,i am.dats it.doesnt mean dat we act like strangers in scool,we've broken so used to ignorin him in scool,unless i hav to mit hm fer sum reasons lah.

it's been six months.hw fast time flies when im wit hm.b4 i even realise,it might even be 1 year.whoa.cey2.kwng3~anitin cn happen stayin home these two days.catchin up wit sleep n studies,of cos.hahx.hopefuli,i cn spend sumtime wit hm on mon.if he even remembers me gone.bye ppl.


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