Wednesday, June 28, 2006

i tink im havin a communication breakdown wit hm.i juz realised dat tis morn.haish.i duno.i've been busy wit ma own thangs.been sleepin late n studying.i juz cun find da time to tok wit hm.or isit,i dun want to?oh,wataverlah.i juz want tis hectic week to end so dat i cn hav all da time to rest.

despite all dat,i hav other guy frens hu cn entertain me.helmy's been smsin me a lot lately.we tok on da phone was great lah.yeah.then,these few days, hisham has been callin me up to ask bout hwk n tokin bout other thangs.liek juz nw.he was askin bout da eng hol hwk.then we went to tok bout da daily rantings.n suddenly we r playin 'guess wat song tis is'.haha.lame,i noe.we had nutin beta to do niwae.n fortunately, ma knowledge of music is,i noe many of da songs he asked me to gues.heex.

hwever,in spite of all dat.all i want more nw is him.isk.nutin cn ever be comparable to hm lah.dun ask me y.its unexplainable.cey~wataverlah.i've been havin onli one meal a day in desperate nid to scrimp n save money fer ma,if i luk more thin than i oready am in da next few weeks,u'll noe y.n nt dieting.i dun diet.nvr.hahax.til here ppl.bye.


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