Friday, September 16, 2005

i guess im beginnin to accept da reality...realisin ma fate..yea,u guys wil be like 'oh,u r juz cnvincing urself gurl' i tink im beginnin to accept da truth...its hard fer me,too hard dat is fer me to swallow n take in all tish i hav to do it..i noe i hav to...get on wit ma life..i've been stuck wit da past fer too long..i wana start hw?or rather when?i wil stil lurve hm watever it nw,ma lurve fer hm is fer a fren..u noe,da way frens lurve each other..yah, dats hw it is...i cn clearly see dat he's haprie wit her..wil dey break up? it wil take long..damn long..i cun wait animore..its ma fault,ma uttermost regret in moi life last i cun take it animore..its all a waste of time..its clear dat he's gotten over me..understand? he has no more feelins fer me animore...juz towards a fren..get it?nwadays, we dun hav much to tok,if we didnt cntact each other fer days,it wil be ok fer me..i cn understand it all...u noe hw hard it is to b a close fren to sumone hu's attached?watsmore,hu has a gurl hu's sensitive?bt watever it is, i noe our frenship wil last long...we hav a strong bond..dats wat he said..i guess its true..we've nvr tok to each other in scool,even smile to each deep inside,we noe each other a lot...u noe, tis is wat i tink n wat i feel...i wil nvr noe bout wat he's tinkin or feelin..a few facts dat i wil hav to accept:
fact 1: he's nice to every gurl...he's caring n understanding towards, not surprisin if he treats me like dat..
fact 2: he cn nvr ever, i repeat,cn nvr ask me to be his special one ever again..y?coz to hm,he has failed to mend tis broken, y muz i bother to wait fer hm?useless...
fact 3: he is soo gotten over me..said dat again..yarh, he's changed his heart..hey,it happens all da time..though i cun be his onli one,i noe i cn be his fren...all those past memories,wat he once said,wat he once wil be kept in ma heart ferever...
yah, dats it..touchin?i dun tink so...dats all i hav to say..


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