Wednesday, September 14, 2005

im bored rite slackin like heck nw..buck up u freak! exams around da corner n im gettin lazier..almost all ma hwk r nt completed n i've nt been studyin fer ma tests! gosh! 2ml i got bio test..haiya..n i've got to finish up ma geo wrksht which sucks a lot..y? coz i've nt been listenin to dat drug addict! darn dat teacher..i dun want ma clas position to drop..esp since those twins hav cum back..da competition's gettin least stil in da top 10 position in ma clas..when wil i start cncentratin on ma studies??
nuting to write bout except dat had a great day at scool practicing fer da taridra..had fun..hafiz n abbas was damn furnie..crackin jokes all da time..kheke..nk cncentrate pun susah..wel,hopefulli dey wil hafal their script by da actual day..whoots!blah3..been 5 days since we cntacted each other..its ok fer me i guess..i mean we've once nt cntacted each other fer about 2 wks..cun blame hm..he's got a gurl, helo..whoots! yea, 2ml ma lil sis's burfdae..daddy told us me dat he wld each giv me n bro $10..gosh, dats a lot..y waste money over sumtin like dat? i noe he lurves us a i RILI HATE his attitude of wastin money fer da end, me n mummy bcum victim..esp mummy..pity her a lot..dun wana tel a lot wil be like membuka pekung di dada..cey, indah bahasa mu yah..oops! im outz! chiowzz baby!!


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