Tuesday, September 13, 2005

hmm...wat shld i write bout..?im kind of bz lately..studies,drama,maself,ppl...haish..ma lil sis's bdae is cumin up tis thurs..and this thurs is oso another significant day fer me alone..yah, me alone remembered it..another thang, ma long-time best buddy's bdae is oso cumin up nxt wk..i rili duno wat to buy fer her..maybe a burfdae card is nice..n i'll add a poem or sumtin to make it more special..hmm..nice2..other than dat, i rili wana visit da new national lib in town! aah!! hahax..call me a geek freak or watever u like bt i rili lurve these kind of places..khekeke..mayb i'll ask ma gurls along on one saturday or if worst cum to worst, i'll ask mummy along then..
okie..since da scool reopens, ma backbone's gettin worse..hurt a lot sey..y? coz of ma heavy bag..i hope i cn rent a locker fer nxt yr..gosh, i cun take it dat its hurtin every single day..bt wat to do? i'll juz endure n bear wit it lor..
ok, earlier on i've mentioned sumtin significant this thurs..well...wel...actoali, this thurs is gona be da one yr dat i've known hm..wow..nvr been close to a guy this long b4..n lemme tel u,its veri long to me..maintainin a close frenship wit a guy is an achievemant fer me..cey..kheke..tat is y i treasure this frenship a lot..i dun want tis frenship to end..if i cun b his special one, then i wana b his fren ferever..he was da one responsible fer makin me realise da true meanin of life..always dere fer me when i nid hm..rili grateful dat i got da chance to noe hm..he's ma closest guy fren i've ever had..i lurve hm a lot fer dat..ehem..AS A FREN UH..i mean im aware of ma feelins fer hm...bt i rili lurve hm fer bein ma gd fren..i dun ever wana lose a fren like hm...i rili hope dat tis frenship cn last till eternity..cey..like real jek..bt at least hope dat it'll last fer years..til then..outz! peace to da world baby!


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