Saturday, September 03, 2005

at last..hmmpph..didnt use da comp fer a week coz got a cnflict wif daddy again plus im darn bz these fer ma taridra,change da plot 3 times..hope this it wld rili work out well..ahaikz..ok,so i had cnflict wit daddy earlier tis week..y?dun bother to tel u y..juz dat it rili was never ma fault..seriously,i duno y i was scolded over sumtin i didnt do!dat was on mon..dat nite i was cryin like hell..mummy even tried to blame me..gosh!da nxt day,on ma way home frm da soccer match ma mum called n asked me to say sorry to daady..i was like no way! i totali refused to..mummy kept insisting..darn,it was not ma fault!i dun wana even say sori!juz then i dun feel like goin home at all..i sat at da void deck of sum block..i was at total loss..i needed to tok to sumone..suddenly,witout tinkin i msged hm..yah,he did rplyed back..suddenly,all da tings dat i told maself bout fergettin hm n all like didnt happen at all..haish..suddenly,we were normal like last time..he called me n tried to cool me down,telllin me to juz end da ting..dat is to apologise to firz,i didnt want to but he tok me into doin last i agreed lor..then,he changed da topic..we tok bout wats been happenin in our lives,or rather ma life..i told hm lots of stories bout wats goin on in moi life..then die pun uat lawak..khekeke..was great tokin to hm..then,since dat day he's always been smsin or callin me..juz like last time..haiyo..was a bit worried dat his gurlwld find out..was oso ragu2 whether to tel hm bout his gurl..zin dah suro blg jek..i was like maybe not..i dun tink he wld blieve me..soo,nah..tkkn die nk bela akukn..bullshit..yah,so to those hu's been readin ma bloggie..u muz be tinkin dat im onli tokin big..ckp jek nk lupekn jantan tu tp at last i go n mengadu to hm..u muz tink dat im such a loosser..say wataver u want, not angry..i realised it oready..i tried to do it..but i cun..i duno y..its true wat ma peep say,im more like cnvincin maself than tellin maself dat i cn get over tis true lurve?
kiwak!mepek uh gurl..hw cld u even say dat?u r stil heellloo!!haish..i guess i'll juz be normal wit hm since we r gd these days..juz dat i'll hav to be wary of his gurl now..oops..


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