Friday, August 19, 2005

heellooo..haha..giler..ok,so im back frm np..2dae's trainin gerek u noe..dektu tkder,gi p.a ngan sec2,then we sec 3s blaja rifle drills lor since sec1 n 2 tkder..took da test fer second class badge skali on rifle drills(though we shld hav actoali gotten it)..relaxin jgak uh,tk penat jgak...cey,wakakaka..tpkn,penat jgak tau..hehe..tangan sakit ehk pegang rifle,must be straight all da time,alermak..mane tk sakit kn..then,ma thighs oso sakit uat baring,its ok..i enjoyed it..haha..then,rifle tk ckp so pinjam ncc nyelah..alermak isnt dat da rifle is heavy bt its made of metal n da holdin part tu pointed(wat da heck am i tokin bout??!!)sakitlah jari jemari ku...cey..woo hoo..!!one lesson learnt: dun use ncc sdap u..hahaha.. haish..u noe wat,da song at ma blog so meanin ful bace da lyrics at da homepage of ma blog(yah,dats da lyrics)..mcm terase gitu..jeng3..khekekke..dahlah,asyik psl die jek...yah,we'r nt meant to b wif each other..wat to do?bt i noe tat we cn remain gd frens fer long..i trust hm a lot,u noe..sumtin dats nt easy fer me to do..dats y i always tel ma probs n opinions to hm..if i try to hide,he wil try to probe me into tellin hm..yah,dats hm all rite..very carin n gntleman to gurls..urgh..see,cnt stop tinkin of hm n missin hm..kalo nmpk gurl die pat scool jek mesti api kemrhan tu meluap..padahal2 tkde pape ehk ngan die..dahlah bitch,cmner org tk suke kn..kalo perangai baik tu tkpe jgak tau..haish..wataverlah..til nw,i stil duno y he stead wif her.isit coz he..?no2,i refused to cn b true,yes i i noe hm very long,i noe wat he's like deep inside(iyeke??)..aiyoyoyo thambi..isit juz chemistry or..?sudahlah gurl..he's stil ur haprie wif u always said to hm last time,frens last longer than lovers rite..?*SARCASTIC WINK*..see,wat goes around cum blieved in dat..


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