Tuesday, August 02, 2005

sch was soo damn borin 2dae..didnt even listen to a single word dat da teachers r crappin..i kept yamnin non stop..ngantk semcm siot..haish..its either im bz tokin ma gurls or juz tinkin of other tings..termenung katekn..khekeke..i duno if tings r stil ok wit ma dad bt i noe im nt gona say sorry or be da one to start tokin to hm again..i went home early 2dae at 3.30 juz so to please hm..reached home then saw hm sleepin soundly..then,cpt2 tkr baju kua umah agi..i dun wan hm to wake up n start questionin me again..so,went out go mac buy mcflurry,one of ma fav..ice crim always makes me haprie..ooh wee..!!afta tat,fetch ma sis frm sch..skali while waitin fer da bus to cum,i saw hm ler in another bus..khekeke..mule2 tk perasan,tp rupe2nye ader..rili like his new hairdo nw,so cute..!!wakakaka!tokin bout tat kn,juz nw durin bio clas i was termenungin..then,skali teringtkn mase dulu plak..hehe..i cld not blieve tat i once cried on da phone while tokin to hm juz bcoz ma mum wun let me buy new jeans..wakakaka!!setkt sak..nw,tinkin back,i feel tat its furnie to cry over a pair jeans..cry to a guy sumore..alahai,malu sak!n dat time,he cn stil call me cengeng..sial btol..khekeke..yah,he used to b dere fer me all da time..now,like duh he doesnt..bt its ok..as long as he stil remembers me as his fren,i'll be juz as haprie..hihihi..im gona stand on ma own two feet n be independent...woohoo!!


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