Friday, July 08, 2005

hmm...he n his gurl stil not on gd terms ehk...haish..ape nk jd nie?rase mcm berslh at da same time hapi coz die gdh ngan matair die..haiyo..*bad2*..n u wana noe y?coz she saw ma msgs in his inbox..haiz..mcm setkt gitukn..tkkn psl tu pun nk cemburu...bknnye aku flirt ngan die pat sms..tis shows tat she haven't trust hm enuf...alah,aru rape bulan jek knl...i guess she nids more time to sort herself..if onli i cld tel her hw gd he treats gurls...wel,i guess nt...pdnlah skrg die ngan member die tngk aku semcm ehk...she oso puttin stress on hm..kesian jgak mayb he oso shld hav deleted ma msgs..coz i strongly blieve tat in every cnflict,both parties r to blame one way or another...haiyoyo...n now he nids ma support...sumtimes i juz feel tat im always nt da firz priority..bile susah jek,org tau cari aku..kalo tk,tk dpt uh cari then,i guess i shld giv hm ma support..y oh y am i born to b soo nice to ppl..??it cn ruin ma life one day...haiz...


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