Saturday, June 25, 2005

its saturdae!

hmm..juz got back frm parkway..i repaired ma hp dere...bad news: ma hp's software is bein upgraded and all data inside wil be erased..wat sia..all ma pics,cntacts,msgs wil be erased...wasted u noe...haish..gettin it back in 5 days time...cun wait! 1 more ting...dun ever take a bus to parkway..seriously..veri long sey the journey! dahlah si due ekor tu tk tau ddk diam..haish..terpakse thn all da way...btw,i wore a sort of cheongsam like baju wif jeans and ma babyshoes....luk kind of swit and innocent wearin like tat..nvm,i like bein swit and mayb i want to change ma style of clothes to wild and i cn like as if i hav enuf money to buy those clothes...wakakaka..hmm...nuting much done 2day...btw,he got giv mie tis msg to try figure out tis riddle...susah sey...cun figure it out at all...ape jek maknenye tu..hmm...i guess im gone slip late 2nite finishin ma a maths...rili hope to finish it all...haish...rushin here and dere...gotta get thangs done in time..


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