Thursday, June 23, 2005

stuck at home

wel..did nuting much 2dae..juz sittin at home finishin up ma hwk...or rather struggling to finish bored of sch...i wana stop scoolin and work..bcum independent ya noe..nvm...i onli hav a year and a haf to go..tats like a long time to go...haish...hmm..enuf bout tat...i rili hope i cn finish ma hwk in backbone's stil hurtin a lot...actoali,i cun wait fer ma appointment in sep..i rili wana noe hw's ma backbone condition...actoali scared of it too...i dun want it to get worse...i've not been takin care of it tat well...erm..since he got a gurl...yah..i noe..ferget bout hm and all...sumtimes i juz cun u noe..last time,he wld always care bout mie and made sure tat im takin care of ma backbone...nw,he doesnt always do tat..i understand y..i oso broke his promise..i once promised hm tat i wil not talk back to ma mum even when im angry...i noe its sort of a lame promise..guess i cun control it...its gettin worse ya noe...bende kecik pun aku nk langgar kate2 mak aku...haiz....i dun like it...change ur attitude ladie...


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