Thursday, June 16, 2005


hmm..juz came back frm jp..tired u noe...2ml got atc..haish...hate it hate rili nt up to ani camps rite nw..or facing any physical challenge..seems like a borin person,i wat to do?haiz...niwae2...i've finally gotten on wif ma life.!! nt stuck on hm anymore..wel,i hav other guy frens dun wana be stuck on hm...enjoy bein single man..!!bt then,i dun ma frenship wif hm to end..its gettin renggang u noe..i dun rili wan tat to happen...i rili cherish and treasuretis frenship.....he doesnt noe it bt i've always counted the months since we got to noe each other...its been 10 mths now...wonder if he oso counted tha mths..nah..i dun tink so....haiz...well..nxt time if i ever tok or sms hm,im gona bring up tat topic..i gotta be honest u noe..persahabatan kite semakin renggang..since he got a gurl...tpkn,ngan nadhirah dulu tklah serenggang gini...hiissh...tats bcoz he doesnt rili want to patch up wif her...rite..?i guess so...alah,wateverlah....haiz..rili nt lukin forward to 2ml...toodles...


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