Tuesday, June 21, 2005

argued wif hm last nite

i was angry last nite...i argued wif hm again...wel,at firz i was da one hu started it...i asked hm to tel me bout hm and his gurl...then he tel me lah bout hm and his gurl..i cn see by the way he tel me his story tat he's hapi wif his gurl..fine,mayb im a bit jealous but hey,i want to put behind all ma past memories n move on wif ma life...aniwae,we r juz frens rite...ok,dats nt wat im angry bout..wat im angry bout is tat he ask me the most sensitive qn which i hate so much...he shld noe tat i dun like it..he ask if i want to be in a close relationship...i noe niat die baik n dat he want me to accept guys back...but,dat's gona take a long time aite...abeh,die nk step bobl psl cinta2 nie seme...jgn permainkn cinta orglah,cinta tu butalah...fuck all tat man!kalo laki bleh permainkn cinta pompan,nape plak pompan tkleh uat the same?life is totali unfair...


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