Friday, July 01, 2005

new bloggie! a new blogskin..nice rite..ceh..walalala..hehe...kk..wel,2day is da last day of ma study skills camp..since im lazy to descibe hw its like..juz summarise short,its fun,gd and interesting..walala..hmm...2day reached home at 8 coz lepak at mac fer hours..i dun feel like goin home,tats y i went home late...alek umah pun bknnye org kesah,tk kene marah pun...then oso kene uruskn urusan adik2 seme...juz tired of tat..i nid ma own life..haiz...then..sumore...erm...i hope tis guy is readin tis...y u nvr chat wif mie animore..?is sumting wrong...?bile mase yg aku dah ader guy??dun be soo semestinye kalo aku tk return ur feelins,u muz feel tat i nvr been in tat situation b4..haiz...bnyk agi pompan pat lua kn...haiyoyoyo..y cun i juz be a normal person leadin a normal life?haish...


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