Wednesday, July 06, 2005

2dae reached home at 4.30..wah..early sey..kheke..yah,if not..i'll be reaching home at least at 6..haish..scool was juz fine 2dae..went to in front of da whole scool to collect ma peer support leader paisey leh..but nvm...he was dere too..uat bodoh jek..(like duh..dari dulu siak)..yah,yesterdae he lent mie his tie fer da rehearsal..haprie tk terhingga then,when i tink use siak...die dah ader matair mah..tkkn ader da same feelins as b4 kn..watever..setakat pinjamkn tie jek...won't mean aniting to hm..hissh...sumtimes,i juz wonder..y is it tat sumtimes its not good to be too gd??kdg2 kite dah baik2 ngan org tu pun die pijak kpale kite..kite tk lyn,die marah..kate kite sombong lah..apelah..fuck siak...dah bgs sey kite nk lyn,nk uat kwn...urrghh..hate tish..wat? aku jeklah yg kene jage ati lain tkyah jage ati aku?...fuck da hell!!all tish is crap.. mls nk lyn kerenah2 org zaman skrg nie...juz wat r dere tryin to achieve??fuck it...all tish is fuckin shit!!


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