Monday, July 11, 2005


2dae is a bad dae fer mie...brought ma damn stupid triple sci books and a maths..skitnye berat!mengancam penah aku bwk beg berat2 gitu..haiyo..then,got chem!surprisin gitu ehk..sial btol si tempang tu...masuk clas jek tros die suro prepare uat test..step kiteorg dah bljr jek...hish..sure gona flunk it...afta sch stayed back to do finishin touches to ma projek..then,lepak pat np rm..pastu alek ngan eqa gi mkn pat mac..habislah duitku...aiyoyo thambi...cmner nk save untk bil aku tis mth??amah mie lah...haiyoyo..khekeke..other than tat..oh yah,last nite got nuting beta to do so wrote tis long poem bout mie and hm..hmm,duno if its nice or not..nvr written a poem b4 u,watever i wrote is true..i feel like readin tis poem to got no guts leh..dun wana cnfuse hm animore..i noe he no longer has tat kind of feelins fer mie,onli as frens..he's like so over his gurl..haha..then,sumore his gurl smpai skrg masih majuk ngan die sey..if onli im nt da third hey,isnt she da third party at firz?khekeke..crap2..wataver...drg dah lost touch since last week ehk...setkt gitu jek pun nk majuk smpai gini..die tu pun satu..bkknye nk delete msg2 aku in da firz seriously,if she has enuf brain cells kn,she shld noe tat im not da one at mayb im a lil bit at wrong..ade rase guilt jgak ehk...alah..wataverlah...


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