Saturday, August 06, 2005

wats happenin to us ??

tish mornin woke up at 6.40 coz i nid to get ready to mit eqa at bustop to go fer flag day 2gether..darn,i was tired yest afta np an d2dae stil got a long day to go..ok,then mit up wit ma other gurls..skali,kiteorg naik train witout nini..we thought tat she dah naik..manelah kiter tau die ngah tnggu kiter?tk nmpk pun batang idung then,we oso at fault uh.we shld hav called her in da firz place..fine,so then kite kene mrh ngan wataver..then, nk criter psl hw da flag day goes coz it totali sux..singaporeans shld rili learn to donate to charity..nw i noe hw hard a donation collector's job cld be..haiyo..then,sumtin happen..we saw tu due ekor dtg..then,we walk off witout them lah..we thought tat dey dun wana be wif us..wataver..then,si farah bg msg...gurl,if u muz noe,bile member lain bace msg kau tu,they were fumin u noe tat..seme dah bingit siot..aniwae,da one hu saed kau step nk jd org tngh tu eqa..aku cume tlg smpaikn jek..fine..kau fkir kite seme suke pe gdh2 cmnie..dahlah ader cnflict ngan nini,abeh ngan farah ting's fer sure,none of us gona mengalah to nini..kite dah bnyk mengalah ehk..she shld realise how farkin bad her attitude is..not onli shld she apologise to us,i tink she shld end tis cnflict wif kiki n zin..cum onlah guys..we r frens k..i dun like kalo ma gurls gaduh sesame sndiri..y muz nk bsr2kn perkare yg kecik?ferget bout da past uh..shucks man!tis ting is rili gettin on ma nerves..its gettin worse..wel,i rili hope mon wil work out rili well when we go town..


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